Hearing Loss LIVE! Podcast
Hearing aids and cochlear implants are a great first step, but that's not all that's needed for living more successfully with hearing loss. Hearing devices have limits and we need to learn how to work around those limits with strategies, self advocacy, technology and services.
Hearing Loss LIVE! teaches you how to get around hearing loss obstacles with strategies like planning ahead, how to communicate better in the car and in groups. We are all about being unapologetic for communication needs. We help you combat ableism and tokenism. We podcast gives you options and know-how to living your best life with hearing loss.
#HearingLoss #HardOfHearing #HearingImpaired #PodcastShorts #CommunicationSkills #HearingLossAwareness #Lipreading
Hearing Loss LIVE! Podcast
Hearing Loss LIVE! Talks Seasons Greetings 2023
Join us at Hearing Loss LIVE! for 2024. We have many free and low cost workshops, classes, and workbook packages.
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Julia Stepp 00:00
Season's greetings from Hearing Loss LIVE! Julia: Hi, and Season's greetings from Hearing Loss LIVE!. We are a little late for Hanukkah. But I do want to wish all our friends who celebrate Hanukkah hope they had a great eight, eight days and Eight Crazy Nights of gift giving. I want to wish Merry Christmas to all of our friends who celebrate Christmas. And we've got what is the 21st that the solstice is always an important one to a couple of our friends. For me, it's my son's birthday. So it's of course important in our family. It was actually always important because for my grandfather , it was the last short day of the season and the nights were going to get longer, which meant summer was coming, which meant gardening, which was his huge passion when he wasn't working. So we always have a lot of going on on December 21. But we know the New Year's coming in, I do want to give a thanks to all who subscribe and share and participate in our events or purchase our product. Now not too late to sign up ASAP for one of our classes for our 2023 prices at $50. We do have a couple openings still left in each class, and bring a partner with you. You can always still buy us a cup of coffee, checkout our goals to raise funds for our new year projects that we need a little help with. And in general, we hope you've taken any tools we've given you this past year or in the past three years to your family functions. And you know even if you come back and tell us, send us an email or a comment off of our comment page. Tell us what it's meant for you guys. How did it help? Your guys' input helps guide us with what needs to come out next at Hearing Loss LIVE! So we hope you join us in the new year. We hope you have great goals for yourself with communication in the new year. And I'll stop blabbing and let Chelle talk.
Chelle 02:26
Chelle: Yes, this is Chelle. And I want to wish everybody a happy holiday season. Whatever it is that you celebrate. We're very open people here and respectful of all walks of life, I think. And I want to remind everybody to use the three golden rules to your holiday dinner, get my attention before speaking, face me and be within six feet. So work on that with some of your holiday festivities that will help it and it's really helpful for our hearing partners to remember that and work on it also. So we do have a lot of memes we can share. You can go on our website and find them on different blog posts because we share it often and don't forget your three golden rules. Stay merry, and yuse your lipreading skills. If you've taken our classes with us. We appreciate that. Thank you. 2023 years has been a really good year I think for several reasons. And we will talk about that in an upcoming blog.
Julia Stepp 03:44
Julia: Yeah, maybe we can make that a short video too. If we've got time. I do want to add one more thing. For personal reasons, sometimes the holidays are hard. And for me it has nothing to do with hearing loss. Right? But if holidays are hard, and you're struggling, please know it's okay to and we are here. We get it. Maybe it's not because of hearing loss. Maybe it's just a whole bunch of different stuff, but it's okay to not be okay. It's one thing I want to remind everybody, it's okay. Whatever it looks like we do have resources on many of our blogs and friends we can help get you in touch with if necessary to help guide you and lead you, but please know whatever's happening in your holiday season, we are here when you're ready. And we are thankful that you're at least okay to not be okay yeah take care take care of you first, you are the most important person and I think we lose that in the holidays. And there's a lot of other stuff that happens with it sometimes. So be okay. Take a book, read one of our blogs, cuddle up with the dog, or cat, or a cup of coffee, or cocoa, glass of wine at you know, whatever. And know that we're okay if you're not okay, it's okay. Ya know, that was an important message this past year for us that like a lot of depth deep stuff we did. And that was a theme I think needs to be clear. It's okay to not be okay. Yes, sorry. I just went way deep on this very fun Christmas videos.
Chelle 05:48
Chelle: it's important. That's important to take care of ourselves and do some self care if you can't make that holiday celebration for whatever reason. Say no. Do what works best for you.
Julia Stepp 06:02
Julia: Awesome. Okay. I am back to happy. Anyways, we look forward to being with you in the 2024 season. Lots of stuff still to come out. Still planning some more workbooks. We have our free events gonna start up again in February. classes through the year. Awesome stuff. Look forward to seeing you. Bye. Remember to subscribe, share and like. Join us at hearinglosslive.com for our upcoming classes and workbooks.