Thanks for being a member of Hearing Loss LIVE!
Julia: Hello, welcome to Hearing Loss LIVE! We hope you're enjoying your holidays. And as we head into 2024, we'll have some new content, and we'll talk about that later in December. But we just want to remind you, we are a very, very small business, it really does help when you subscribe to our blog, to our YouTube channel, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram or [Chelle: Like us] LinkedIn. That all is very helpful, but we want to remind you, we like to try to keep things as free as possible. We love that we are able to meet once a month with the community and offer a workshop at no cost. And we bring in a live captioner, a human captioner to help us with communication. We want to be able to offer all of this again in 2024. So this is how you can help us. We have Buy Me a Coffee. Buy me a coffee is a great little platform that you can share what it is you like about our platform, our, our, you know, our purchasable stuff, maybe our free stuff, what you would like to see more of in 2024, because we really like the community to be involved. It's very helpful. So we can have the link down here at the bottom. This holiday season. We hope you think of us. What's a great way that they can help us Chelle.
Chelle: Yes, please help us, help you. Because we do try to keep everything free, and you know, our podcast, are all free, also. That's another great way to share information with our hearing partners and help them understand. We also do scholarships to classes. I don't know if you all know this, but we do allow a scholarship in our classes so that people who are in need can come in and learn from us. They learn how to self advocate, they learn about technology, they learn about lipreading and the strategies behind it. So we do try to offer the community a lot. And so we could use your help, your support. We thank you for your support and buy us a cup of coffee.
Julia: I think we have Giving Tuesday coming up what what exactly is giving Tuesday, Chelle? I believe it's where it's a lot of nonprofit. And I know we're not a nonprofit organization. But Giving Tuesday would be a great way to show sponsorship for us. As Chelle said, it could be a way if you could donate $50 I don't care if it's five, we start at increments of five but you know, maybe you could donate $50 and say hey, I want this towards a scholarship. Can you can you apply it to the next scholarship round coming out we'd love to do that. We'd give you a shout out in our newsletter and our social media if you wanted to do something like that. Our buy me a coffee also has the ability to look over what we have in a quick environment on our workshop series and our lipreading purchasable recorded classes. It will also have you know information and lead you back to our webpage. Giving Tuesday, important date for thought process. Holidays are coming up. Maybe you want to buy a friend a class, we will again have classes buy one bring one free in 2024. So check into that. What are some other things?
Chelle: Well, I'll talk a little bit about giving Tuesday. It happens every Tuesday. It's the annual celebration of generosity. And it's happening this year on November 28. It was created in 2012 as a simple idea day that encourages people to do good. So buy a friend a class that needs help in their communication and self advocacy. They can do it at their own pace with the video class or they come with us in 2024 where we all learn from each other. Whatever is comfortable for that person. And buy me a scholarship to a classes, or providing a scholarship is awesome to the good idea.
Julia: I think even looking into both right, maybe you buy both by the by the recording and and check it out and then you know decide if you're comfortable join us in class. There's there's no reason you couldn't do both. I think you learn something different from, from all of it right? You know, the pre, the pre-recorded stuff helps you get comfortable with your hearing loss or your new communication needs or thought process. I think even if you're not new to hearing loss, the recordings help you think through, Oh, wow, I never thought about that. Yeah, I do need that tool now for my lipreading concepts, or, wow, I use that tool. But I never thought about how it helps me with this part of the communication. And then come to the live class and find out what others-- we share experience, we share a thought process. We, you know, it doesn't matter even if we're practicing the lip shapes, we get to practice and giggle and we get to practice on each other. And then we get to talk about some stuff as well. And that concept that may or may not help them. So it's a lot of a lot of awesome fun. Is my thought, any other thoughts about Giving Tuesday or helping us with buy me a coffee?
Chelle: Just that we do bond in our classes. And we learn from each other. So that is valuable in and of itself. We think that lipreading is just lip shapes. And I keep trying to say it's such a misleading, misleading name. So there's, there's certain things to learn to set your stage for better communication. And you're not going to be successful at lipreading, unless you know are those strategies. And it does matter. We've seen that time and time again.
Julia: Exactly, even this last round of classes, we had somebody who were really honest about I don't want all this communication information about the concepts and then they started the lip shapes and what I really needed the communication concepts information. [laughing] So we have seen that over and over again. All right, I'll stop rambling, but please visit us at buy me a coffee, check out what we have there. share our information. As I said, subscribe to our blogs, great free information. If you like it, please let us know. Give us a cup of coffee. I didn't even bring my coffee cup for this. As you know we like our coffee. So. We hope you have a great holiday season as well. Keep on sharin'.