Hearing Loss LIVE! Podcast
Hearing aids and cochlear implants are a great first step, but that's not all that's needed for living more successfully with hearing loss. Hearing devices have limits and we need to learn how to work around those limits with strategies, self advocacy, technology and services.
Hearing Loss LIVE! teaches you how to get around hearing loss obstacles with strategies like planning ahead, how to communicate better in the car and in groups. We are all about being unapologetic for communication needs. We help you combat ableism and tokenism. We podcast gives you options and know-how to living your best life with hearing loss.
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Hearing Loss LIVE! Podcast
Hearing Loss LIVE! Workshop Tribe Bucketlist
Summer time and vacation. Are hearing loss conventions on your bucketlist? If not they should be! We get lots of support locally from our state chapters- if you have one- and we have great online forums too! But there is something magical when we gather together in mass! We learn new strategies. We get reminded of old strategies. We find confidence and friendship. And lots and lots of laughter.
And sometimes we find cowbells!
Join us as we talk about what a hearing loss convention means to us! Watch for our matching workbook so you can plan your summer bucketlist today!
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Hearing Loss LIVE! talks Tribe Bucketlist Good morning and welcome to Hearing Loss LIVE! We hope you are subscribing to our material share, like,subscribe, I don't know, there's all those social media things that I'm not always going to remember, and I never do do I? Anyways, we hope you made it to our June 6th workshop where we talked Tribe. We wanted to put a little workshop together about the importance we find in Tribe. Now we've done that before in the past. So you can-- we'll do a throwback Thursday or Talk About It Tuesday, maybe and link back to that blog and podcast. And of course, if you subscribe to our YouTube channel, or Buzzsprout, you can look it up whenever you want. We want okay, we've been pretty deep, right? These workshop series are really rather deep. And we wanted to kick summer off with a little bit of and I apologize if everything just bounced in the video because the dog is under my feet and decided to have a bad dream for a minute. So we wanted to. And of course Julia has lost her train of thought. We wanted to lighten it up right. We're going to have a bunch of new classes coming out in August. Chelle is teaching live, because we're back did having in person stuff, at the University of Utah here locally is OSHER classes, which is I forget what it stands for. But it's the adult learning, lifelong learning that University offers. We're finishing up our last round of Lip Shape LIVE. We will have another lip shape, advanced class this fall. We're super excited for that. And we are going to Canada to join Tribe, at the SayWhatClub. But we started thinking about what is important about tribe? What do we learn from tribe and the tribe thought process is if you have a travel bucket, this is what came to me this morning, if you have a travel bucket, you need to add all of the conventions on your travel list. There is Hands and Voices for parents with deaf and hard of hearing children. They do conferences. Some of them are local to their states. Some of I think they have a national one as well. I have attended a couple of those as a captioner. Great, great insight for parents and advocacy and how to get a better support group around you of, not only maybe if you have a hearing loss and your child has a hearing loss those peers, but other parents right, because that support group is so so nice. There's ALDA-Con Association of Late Deafened Adults. Love that one too. Lots of neat people to meet who talk about their life experiences and their hearing loss. And there is HLA- HLAA_Con. I'm fighting with the caption sorry, people. Hearing Loss Association of America. That's a national conference held every year in the summer as well. And they have great workshops, everything from job, you know how to have a good interview, to caption advocacy. And then there's of course SayWhatClub, which we are going to and they are all sorts of places. I think in the past they've been in other countries. This year it's Canada. But they always have a great set of speakers who talk about all sorts of different things. Their, their dinner speaker, I always love that we've-- the what is that the keynote speaker has been super cool the last couple years that I've gone to the SayWhatClub conventions. Just local people who are doing good things, right, in the name of hearing loss. But I think the funnest part is what I as a hearing partner take away from you guys right. What I learned about somebody's always got something new, a new hearing aid. They've gotten a cochlear implant the last year. You learn more about the brand, you learn more about the technology, you get to share what you've tried that maybe somebody else hasn't, and why you like it. And so for me, it builds a library. One, it builds a library for my captioning dictionary, right? Which I'm always working on, but it builds a library of resources that when I need them, or I meet somebody in the community, I can share that, right. I know what to do when Denton's ready, and I think I say this before, when Devin is ready to go to the audiologist and or get hearing aids. I've already built a list of questions I'm going to ask. What I need to know. When a family member calls and says, Hey, what do you know about XYZ? I can say Oh, yes. So I love that part. I love watching you guys together. Right? It is a hoot. Y'all gather together and you tell it like it is and there's a good time to be had right? So I do think that should be a bucket list and bring your hearing partner or spouse or friend and travel and enjoy it. Because I do - you do just, you meet so many, your circle opens I guess is what I want to say. I know we've talked about that before, but I find it a fun adventure and it's always a good time. It's always a new city. It's coast to coast, a country or whatever. So you know, there's always a new place you can explore. I don't know that's the stuff I like. Chelle I'll turn it over to you.
Chelle: Okay, this is Chelle. the conventions, all three of them, SayWhatClub HLAA and ALDA all three sweat switch every year from east, east coast, somewhere in the middle of the US and then west coast, like SayWhatClub's next year will be and well last year was in Nashville this year, which is mid kind of ish. went to Canada this year on Vancouver west coast. Next year, they'll announce somewhere along the east coast. And this makes it easier for people to attend. If you don't want to travel coast to coast. Maybe at some point one of the three conventions will end near you and that's the time to go. I really enjoy them. I have a good time. I'm thinking of Nashville last year when the welcome party was about music. And we were supposed to wear concert shirts. And I did not have a concert shirt. I missed the memo somewhere. So one of my friends or the many friends and contacts that I've made over the years attending these things. Cynthia, she said my hair I got a bunch of extra Tshirts coming my room and I ended up with more cowb--cowbell with what's his name Christopher Walken, kind of on the picture from SNL skit. So I had a great time. You can see my pictures which I seen recently and I'm just grinning ear to ear having so much fun. I've seen-- I attended the 1998 SayWhatClub camp out in Rocky Mountain National Park and that was my first time felling like I met my pupil. And I made lifelong friends from that. I'm still talking to several of them. And we reach out to each other as needed. Hey, I know your resource for this. And would you like to help so and so with that? And it's that's what it all is, is we know who can help who because we've hung out together at various hearing loss conventions. And I learned things, I always always learned thing, I might go thinking, Oh, I don't know, you know, I pretty much know these topics and by God, I will learn something. And one of them, several years ago another SayWhatClub Convention was in Minnesota, and we had Mary Bauer who's a hard of hearing specialists something like that in the area. And she got up, she talked about the audiogram and one of the things I learned is the speech banana will move in the audiogram according to a male or a female voice. I thought, wow, that makes total sense. I would have never thought about that if she hadn't pointed that out. And my first HLAA convention in 2012, it was, it was in Rhode Island, I met so many people that I'm still in contact with. One of the guys I hadn't seen in a long time I saw Nashville at the SayWhatClub convention. It is just like friends and a lot of laughter and it's loud. They're always very loud. Sometimes I want to take my hearing aids out for a hearing break. But it's just so much fun. And sometimes it's so hard to come home afterwards. When at the 2012 convention in Rhode Island, I was really struggling in life with the big drop of hearing and trying to find my way through again. And I think I was beginning to come out of the hole back then. And that convention definitely helped improve my outlook. And one of the jobs- or one of them, workshops was landing that job. And I don't remember a whole bunch about it, except the guy was talking about how to go through the interview with the hearing loss and how to talk about your devices. And one of the things I remember most about him is he said, be in charge of your hearing loss, don't let it be in charge of you. And it was a foreign concept, my hearing loss rural my life. And then it wasn't too much longer after that. Another there are two or three, three years and I was finally I get it now I know how to manage my hearing loss is just what we say now, and being proactive about it. So every time I go, I learned something and make new friends. And see old friends that's really hard to come home.
Julia: This is Julia.
You know, the thing that I like about tribe or thoughts is when you get together, you can ask questions, right? So you can have a list of experiences throughout the season that you might have and be able to take it and say okay, this is what happened, has anybody experienced it? Or or share new ideas? I'm probably repeating myself at this point, right? What I enjoy and this is me just wanting to be on vacation maybe. [laughter] Is the travel aspect, right? It allows time to take a vacation, maybe in a place you wouldn't have normally gone on vacation or to see a new state or a new country. I'm super excited to be doing Vancouver. I was a little girl last time I was there. So I have very you know I pictures, not memories. And so it was super exciting to think about that. We will be traveling like we did with Nashville. We're gonna do it a little different probably this year. We definitely have some spots where we've reached out to our tribe members and said, Hey, are you available? Let's meet and we plan to do live video, live shorts the whole week we're up in Vancouver so watch for those on our social media. And then they will go to our YouTube page. If you get our newsletter and or joined us Tuesday, you know this already but we have started our workshop series that is purchasable workshops. $10 a workshop. You can buy the first five, which will be fully available by the first week of July end of June. For $25 It comes with a workbook. It comes with YouTube access to our prerecorded workshop. And we can supply a transcript as well or you'll have access to the transcript from Buzzsprout, oops, there goes my timer guys sorry. I'm figuring out the audio podcast. So forgive me, I may have figured this out before this comes out. [laughter] But if we can figure out how to give access to the podcast as well, so you have it in audio form. Actually, it just may not be on our Buzzsprout account. To be honest, I do know how to get us audio of it. So scratch that thought. One way or another. You can have it in any form you like. If you want buy us a cup of coffee at Buymecoffee - backslash --.com backslash Hearing Loss LIVE! buy us a coffee [buymeacoffee.com/hearinglosslive]. Tell us what you like about the series we did this year. What do you need more of what supports do you want? What content would you like? Or just buy us a coffee and tell us you love us? I don't care. We you know we are gotten lucky. We want to clear we're still not really making a profit. And that's okay. But we have funded till the end of the year at least. So if we keep moving forward and you keep taking our classes, we are super excited because 2024 is not far around the corner but we should have enough funding that we are here all next year. So we are super excited. Anyways, join us, subscribe. I'll stop yapping now. Have a good day folks and a great summer.
Chelle: Bye.