Hearing Loss LIVE! Podcast

Hearing Loss LIVE! Talks Change

December 01, 2022 Hearing Loss LIVE! Season 2 Episode 27
Hearing Loss LIVE! Talks Change
Hearing Loss LIVE! Podcast
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Hearing Loss LIVE! Podcast
Hearing Loss LIVE! Talks Change
Dec 01, 2022 Season 2 Episode 27
Hearing Loss LIVE!

We have had some questions asked about our partner Michele. And after some thoguhtful discussion Michele Linder will be stepping away as a co-owner due to personal health issues.  BUT she will forever be a huge caption advocate and leader. And Chelle and Julia with continue to support Michele in future endeavors. 

Michele has many presentations on captioning and self advocacy. Her experience as a HoH who does not benefit from hearing aids aor hearing devices makes here experience unique and helps folks get in the KNOW!We have had some questions asked about our partner Michele. And after some thoguhtful discussion Michele Linder will be stepping away as a co-owner due to personal health issues.  BUT she will forever be a huge caption advocate and leader. And Chelle and Julia with continue to support Michele in future endeavors. 

Michele has many presentations on captioning and self advocacy. Her experience as a HoH who does not benefit from hearing aids aor hearing devices makes here experience unique and helps folks get in the KNOW!

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Show Notes Transcript

We have had some questions asked about our partner Michele. And after some thoguhtful discussion Michele Linder will be stepping away as a co-owner due to personal health issues.  BUT she will forever be a huge caption advocate and leader. And Chelle and Julia with continue to support Michele in future endeavors. 

Michele has many presentations on captioning and self advocacy. Her experience as a HoH who does not benefit from hearing aids aor hearing devices makes here experience unique and helps folks get in the KNOW!We have had some questions asked about our partner Michele. And after some thoguhtful discussion Michele Linder will be stepping away as a co-owner due to personal health issues.  BUT she will forever be a huge caption advocate and leader. And Chelle and Julia with continue to support Michele in future endeavors. 

Michele has many presentations on captioning and self advocacy. Her experience as a HoH who does not benefit from hearing aids aor hearing devices makes here experience unique and helps folks get in the KNOW!

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Hearing Loss LIVE! Talks Change. Remember to share, subscribe, and like today.


Hi there. Good morning and welcome to Hearing Loss LIVE! Over the last couple of weeks, you might have noticed some changes have been going on. And we would like to talk to you about them. you, our viewers, you subscribe to us, we think you should know what's going on because Hearing Loss LIVE! is not going anywhere. We are stronger than ever, but we have had some changes. And that's okay. Because we want you to not guess at what those are. We want to talk to you, in person about them. So Michele lender, our co owner and partner in Minnesota has had some changes that she wants to talk to you about. And we hope that this will help you understand better on why maybe you've seen just Shelly and I had some events and that's okay. We've had a lot going on this summer a lot. I think this week alone, we had three presentations for presentations and next week's another two or three. So kudos right, Yay, we're getting noticed. And that's so awesome, because we know you're going to share and subscribe. But we want to let you know on our journey, there will be some changes coming into 2023. Chelle or Michele, do you want to talk about. Maybe Michele, let's go ahead to you and you can kind of talk about your part that with Hearing Loss LIVE! --


Okay. Well, I was gonna turn my mic on. But as usual, I forgot to turn it off.[laughter] Um, it's with regret that I've had to make a decision to kind of step back a little bit from Hearing Loss LIVE!. And I will be relinquishing my role as a partner. Mainly because I'm no longer able to devote the time and vision to the work that I need to do to pull my weight as a partner. I've been having some vision issues in my left eye for probably close to a year now. And being on the computer and online and screen time really complicates that and I find it's affecting my vision. As I'm going throughout my day and my ability to lipread. Because my left eye gets really blurry. I'm developing a cataract on that eye. And I've been having a lot of different eye doctor appointments to try to figure out what's going on in more detail, but my eyes are


Thank you, Michele, this has been a very hard decision, I healthy. So it's so far nothing serious. But it really complicates my being able to be on the computer as much as I need to be. The other things, the summer was just so hectic because I spent six weeks in Oregon. My son and his wife had a wedding celebration. They got married virtually in 2020 or 2020. And so they had the party with family and friends this summer. And that was a big attention grabbing thing that took me away from Hearing Loss LIVE!. Then I got COVID. And I had COVID for the last week I was in Oregon. And then after I got home, I kind of had a relapse. And it really took me an additional two weeks to kind of bounce back from that. Nothing serious, but the congestion and all of that it really took me a long time to get over that. And I wasn't really doing anything during that time. Then about a week after I got home, I found a house in Duluth I've been trying to move for several years now. And so I'm in the middle of a move and my life is just really hectic right now. And mostly because of my vision issues, I've just made the decision to kind of step back from Hearing Loss LIVE! doesn't mean that I'm no longer going to contribute or support this wonderful group of ladies. I'll still be here in some capacity. I'll still continue on with my advocacy work. And that's very time consuming in itself. Especially hospital communication advocacy. So I will still be around. I am just no longer going to be a partner. And I likely will not be participating in all of the podcast or most of the podcasts. I'll leave that up to Julia and chalet when they want to invite me, or include me something that I can contribute to. So that's kind of what's going on with me and why you haven't seen me around a lot lately. And again, I love Hearing Loss LIVE! It's been a great year, growing and getting our name out there and getting some recognition. I'm very proud that I've participated as a partner for this past year. So I and I thank Julia and Chelle for being so understanding about my needing to step back. So thank you, ladies. think for all of us. I know, that we three started out with, with passion, and of course, it's all there. All the passion is still there, it's just gonna come a little differently. So it has been. We are we are sad to see you go, Michele, we're sorry. But we're happy that you will come in and work with us when you can.


And there's lots that Michele, you do with your caption advocacy, right? Honestly, you have some great presentations on self advocacy that can still be requested by all sorts of support groups for you to come in and present. You have a great caption advocacy, presentation on hospitals and doctor's office, medical facilities. Hint Hint Global Alliance, I know you've done one of these podcasts for your YouTube but maybe you should bring Michele in and and get another one out there because she has some great information and some great success stories. We will be there behind her supporting any part we can. We of course bring in you know, our own. Everybody who can share their personal experience helps. And anybody who's in the CART profession can help make others understand are important. So we look really forward with that. She always adds great insight to other things we have going on. And of course, being a proficient lip rater. We have learned many, many new tools from Michele. And she, you know, will always have helped us with our lipreading concept class. She had great insight with that. And, you know, one of the best things I think with that class, is she she lets people know, you know, hearing aids and hearing devices are going to go wrong, and what are you going to do? You can't panic, you need to be able to continue to communicate. So she has taught us all of that so well. And so I do look forward to future endeavors. And I am glad her eyesight is not bothering her as much. That was very concerning for me. Because I can't imagine having the faculty you use the most in life. That would be scary. So I hope it continues to get better. That's, that's awesome to hear. And, you know, when she has a great blog, of course, we're going to help publish it, right. It leads to great presentations, whether it's Michele presenting them or not. So I am super excited to keep moving forward. We we don't think the change will affect growth. But we do, you know, we've had people ask questions and we wanted to be cognizant of that. I think when people question things, they get a little nervous, right? So we want them to know we're not going anywhere and we support each other in everything we're going to do going forward. At the bottom of this, this is about helping you help yourself and we will continue that goal any way we can possible. I don't want to get too long winded and we all know I will talk for hours so I will zip my lips. Any thoughts you guys want to add.


I just wanted to thank you both again for continuing to support me and the work that I do on my own, which will always continue even if I had stayed as a partner. That means a lot to me. And, you know, I think it's good that, you know, we have this short video to let people know why I've been absent. Mostly, it was because of COVID for like three weeks, and then I just kind of had to make the decision that you know, I was going to have to step back from all the responsibilities of being a partner. But as Julia said, Hearing Loss LIVE! is going to continue to go on the same. And I'll still be here in some capacity, and keep showing your support and showing up to support us and attend, all of the things that Hearing Loss LIVE! puts out there. It's a great business, a great organization.


Thank you. Anything else? We want to keep it short or otherwise all of us will be crying and boo-hooing and you don't want to see ugly tears because I ugly cry very much. We got Sally. Oh, she's I just making sure you didn't have anything more before I close it out. Thank you for joining us this last year. We look forward to seeing you in 2023. If you belong to a Hearing Loss Association of America and want more information on CART/captioning in hospital scenarios, please don't hesitate. You can reach out to us. We can get you in contact with Michelle. I'll even put her personal email in the bottom of this so you can have it as well. And we look forward to you in the next year. Bye.